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Donald Trump Vs Joe Biden Debate

The Trump vs. Biden Debate: A Clash of Styles and Substance

The First Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate of the 2020 election was held on September 29, 2020, at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. The debate was moderated by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. The two candidates, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, were given 90 minutes to debate a range of topics, including the economy, healthcare, and climate change. The debate was widely watched and discussed, with over 73 million people tuning in to watch it live.

The Candidates' Performances

The two candidates took very different approaches to the debate. Trump was aggressive and often interrupted Biden, while Biden was more measured and tried to stay on topic. Trump also made a number of false and misleading statements throughout the debate, while Biden was more accurate in his statements. Ultimately, the debate did little to change the race, with most polls showing that Biden maintained his lead over Trump.

The Key Issues

The debate covered a wide range of issues, including the economy, healthcare, climate change, and race relations. On the economy, Trump touted his record of low unemployment and rising wages, while Biden argued that Trump's policies had benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. On healthcare, Trump said he would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, while Biden said he would build on the ACA and expand access to affordable healthcare. On climate change, Trump said he was not sure if it was caused by human activity, while Biden said he believed it was a serious threat that needed to be addressed. On race relations, Trump said he had done more for the black community than any other president, while Biden said that Trump had made race relations worse.

The Fact-Checking

The debate was heavily fact-checked by journalists and independent fact-checkers. Trump made a number of false and misleading statements, including claims that he had created millions of jobs, that the Affordable Care Act was a "disaster," and that climate change was a "hoax." Biden also made a few false and misleading statements, but they were less frequent and less egregious than Trump's.

The Impact of the Debate

The debate had little impact on the race, with most polls showing that Biden maintained his lead over Trump. However, the debate did provide a clear contrast between the two candidates and their different approaches to the presidency. Trump's aggressive and often dishonest performance reinforced the view of him as a dangerous and unfit leader, while Biden's more measured and accurate performance reinforced the view of him as a safe and experienced choice.
